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秩序中的复杂性——三维通信未来PARK/ComplexityamongOrder-SunwaveFutureP ...

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建筑设计作品 发表于 2018-3-14 16:54:50 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 建筑设计作品 于 2018-3-14 17:20 编辑

感谢 gad建筑设计对意周的分享


Sunwave FuturePark is one of the office park projects of gad in Hangzhou Future TechnologyTown. The design aims to realize the fusion of “work” and “life” throughdynamic combination of various functional modules. It is different fromtraditional office parks and creates an interactive urban component.

We apply geometricmotif to control both macro and micro aspects, and respond to various demandswith a clear logic.

规划 | 公共与私密 簇集的组织方式
Planning| Organization Method of Clustering of Public Area and PrivateArea


The baseis divided into north and south parts: the north part is large amount of officebuildings and hotels open to the city. The first floor is the public and openspace network which is surrounded by diverse functions such as light meal andexhibition. Commercial facilities are introduced inside through the streets,greeting the large population who arrive at the metro station and plan to go toAlibaba Xixi Park or Zhejiang Overseas High-Level Talents Innovation Park throughthe park. The openness of the base effectively promotes the spatialinterleaving. The south part is independent and quiet small detached officebuildings, which isolates from the outside with the courtyard area and blurswith the outside with the courtyard, making the buildings hidden among thegreen plants on the wetlands and along the rivers.  


Through the clustering organization method, itdisplays the gathering status with the similarity of square motif and formscertain density sensing from the vision, thus defining the integrity of thesouth and north parts which differ greatly in terms of space anddimension.

单体 | 尺度的控制 母题的三维组合
SingleBuilding |Dimension Control 3D Combination ofMotif


It conducts the 3D combination of square motif through apposition,insertion, overlapping and rotation and realizes site plane subdivision and sizecontrol, creating flexible architectural images and rich space status.

The concave-convex under the control of themotif creates 3D depths and light change. It also optimizes the dimension interms of affinity and builds comfortable streets

The terraces at different elevations enable the users toimmediately establish contact with the outside in spite of the location at heights,and to sense the neighboring natural landscapes and the city.

立面 | 典雅且明快 网格化的方形母题
Facade| Elegant and Bright Meshing Square Motif

The application of meshing square motif enables large amount of evenly distributedwindows to be implemented on the curtain wall without destroying the integrity,thus to accommodate the uncertain using condition inside the building to themaximum extend.

The basic size division of the square motif andthe differentiation of detail nodes match with the different dimension of thenorth and south blocks and add the richness and interest under the overallelegant and bright expression.


To realize the weather-resistance of the basic motif unit, thedesigners make great efforts in terms of reinforcing the rigidity of largealuminum curtain wall and hiding of glue-line.

Due to the overall control of the motif, the modularizationof the curtain wall is achieved without further efforts. As a result, itachieves good construction effect under great cost management and control.

结语 | 秩序和复杂 母题的使用目标

Conclusion| Order andComplexity Using Object of the Motif


Riether puts in his works Complexity,the emerging and stability of complexity need order. The application of motifin Sunwave FuturePark just hopes to reach benchmark and level among the rhymes and rhythms, torealize tolerance of complicated demands, thus to make people feel the stimulusof order and complexity.

建筑面积: 109208㎡



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