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[竞赛图] “Echoing Plateau” by Toshiki Hirano - Finalist Entry for Waterfront Gateway...

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0eat0 发表于 2013-11-8 17:30:17 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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“Echoing Plateau” by Toshiki Hirano - Finalist Entry for Waterfront Gateway Design Competition

Echoing Plateau" by Toshiki Hirano was one of the four finalist entries for the Waterfront Gateway Design competition to redevelop the waterfront and downtown communities in the historic City of New Rochelle in New York. Unfortunately, Hirano's team had to decline continuing in the competition when the team ran into issues finding a developer to work with after the first stage.

Scroll down to find some photos and to learn more about the project.

  • Waterfront Gateway Design Competition

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Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano - finalist entry for Waterfront Gateway Design competition. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

Design brief from Toshiki Hirano:

"The main issue of the competition was how to deal with the existing armory building built in 1931. There has been a great amount of concern among people in the city of New Rochelle that the armory would be demolished due to a development of this area. According to an existing schematic plan for this area by a developer of a land parcel next to the competition site, the armory is almost treated as a nuisance, underutilized, and a car parking area placed between the armory and the shore completely disconnects the relationship between the bay and the urban fabric."

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Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

"Our proposal 'Echoing Plateau' focuses on how to re-connect the sea shore environment of the site to the urban fabric, not by demolishing the armory but using it as a catalyst. Being respectful to its historical and social importance of the Armory, the design of exterior facade of the building will be restored to its original state while the interior space will be renovated as a center for arts which will be used for various cultural activities such as art performances and social gatherings."

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Diagram. Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

"'Echoing Plaza', a slab extending from Armory towards the bay provides a space for outdoor events, viewing point and an access to the boardwalk which extends and connects the adjacent sites."

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Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

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Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

"'Echoing Plaza' enables to place car parking space underneath without disturbing the view towards the bay and with minimizing an amount of excavation by taking advantage of the sloping landscape."

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Overall aerial view. Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

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Site plan. Echoing Plateau by Toshiki Hirano. Image courtesy of Toshiki Hirano.

Click here for more info.


尘封Lv.1 发表于 2013-11-8 18:50:43 | 查看全部
424286227Lv.2 发表于 2013-11-8 23:12:50 | 查看全部
candypcLv.2 发表于 2014-5-22 10:38:36 | 查看全部


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