中国现在的都市化,在考虑现代化、工业化的同时,还要建立有机城市的理念:都市生活和田园生活交融,工业与农业和谐共处,城市居民要保持自己和泥土的纽带。下面让我们一起欣赏一下阿联酋的概念性的有机城市吧。 这些由Luca Curci 建筑事务所设计的有机建筑,也许有一天可以在阿拉伯联合酋长国创建一个沿海大都市。有机城市是在总体规划中实现土地的多用性和海洋建筑的设计以适应多年发展的需要,满足日益增长的城市需求。基地中除了住宅、酒店、商业空间和城市所需要的基础设施还要有大量的绿地。 有机城市是阿拉伯联合酋长国某海岸线上的概念方案,这一概念将与现存的城市进行融合从而创建一个有机的大都市。建筑设计的灵感来源于自然和有机的形态,有机城市中包含陆地上的建筑和水域中的建筑。 Luca Curci’s project is organized in two groups — “organic buildings” on the earth, and “moons” on the sea. The moons can be accessed by water, air and some by connecting bridges and will serve as residencies, private homes and hotels. The land-based buildings will have more hotels and residences along with offices, commercial spaces, retail, galleries, museums and more. Most of the site will be green space for recreation, but will provide enough space for 150,000 inhabitants. Luca Curci Architects views the project as a way to adapt and to evolve, while providing inhabitants with a social, active and healthy life. Hopefully there will be more sustainability measures worked into the plan and this will not just be another massive resort.