co-architect Studio Bouwkunde 合作设计 地点:荷兰,阿姆斯特丹,
IJburg 面积:322平方米 类型:会所 状态:开始施工,预计2014年夏季完工 介绍:自2010年起越来越多的网球俱乐部在阿姆斯特丹的人工小岛上成立,这座322平方米的小建筑得名于它的屋顶,在房子中间部位,屋顶开始向下凹陷,形成一个非常有趣味性的看台,这里将容纳200名观众 ” 更衣室、 厨房、存储和厕所 ”等空间在会所的两侧。它的主要空间是多功能的,可以用于俱乐部的很多活动 "The roof dips down towards the south side and is raised towards the north until a height of seven metres, creating an informal tribune for the club." "This 'Couch' can seat up to 200 spectators. The wide glass front to the north side allows extensive natural lighting and provides a view out over the waters of the IJ-lake." "Inside the club house, the concrete construction is clad with fsc-certified wood, with the outside fully sealed with an epdm polymer hotspray in the same colour and texture as the clay tennis courts. The reduced glass surface to the south helps to cool the building." "The thermal mass characteristics of the materialisation in concrete and wood are used to reach a high degree of energy efficiency." "It will be heated with district heating made efficient by a heat exchange system. In summer there will be natural ventilation, adding to the ambitious sustainable profile of the structure." "MVRDV developed the clubhouse together with co-architect Studio Bouwkunde and structural engineer ABT. Contractor Ballast Nedam Bouw will realise the building, which will be MVRDV’s eighth building in Amsterdam." |