现在智能设备非常普及了,很多人在生活中非常喜欢自拍,而Cris Romagosa自拍却与大部分人的自拍完全不同,它侧重的是对人的身体的表现,在不同的季节她会根据进行不同主题的拍摄,作品力图与观赏者形成互动交流,并赋予其一个开放而又内涵的含义。 Cris Romagosa states: “Capturing has become a need, since I got the camera in my hands. I’ve learned to keep my passion within my need. My life is full of images I need to shoot, not in a creative way, but as a living habit. My work is still in progress, with a constant learning and research through this impulse that keeps me looking for new images and emotions to capture.” |