今天e周网小编为大家为挑选了一个超现代的室内空间,这是位于西班牙塔拉萨的私人别墅,由Egue & Seta设计。本项目的官方介绍是西班牙语的,但是我相信这里的这些图片也足以说明设计师要表达的,因为这套设计每个点上的侧重都是非常鲜明的。下沉的客厅空间,开敞的厨房,另外装点上了绿色的植物,整个室内非常通透绿色。 Description from the architects: the concept counts with plants and glass walls to create beautiful and elegant spaces. We wanted to show that with a 10 m (32 ft) linear wall we can still articulate(清晰地发) and separate intimate and social spaces in a 200 sq m (2152 sq ft) house. The place used to be a commercial space and it was transformed into a loft. 下沉处理的客厅空间 开敞的厨房和餐厅