这是来自ONE Prize 2013: Stormproof 竞赛的最新作品, 在竞赛中参赛者必须设计创造富有弹性的城市,以使城市准备好面对日益恶劣的气候条件。在本次国际设计竞赛中 Ishaan Kumar, Arianna Armelli, and David Sepulveda 被选作最终设计人选,详细信息,请看下文: 点击图片看大图 受‘桑迪飓风”的事件的影响,Terreform ONE,组织了ONEPRIZE:抵御风暴的国际设计竞争,以探讨社会、经济、和生态城市转型的可能性从而为将来的灾难性天气做好准备。这一设计竞赛设计的基地为纽约海岸,最终 Arianna Armelli, Ishaan Kumar, and David Sepulveda 赢得ONE Prize:Stormproof的入围。 点击图片看大图 "故事: [CONTAINED] is dedicated to the evolution of New York City based on the political decisions of the last 10 years. Rezoning to accommodate for rapid population increase and loss of manufacturing crippled the system New York was founded on and made way for a multitude of developer driven high rise structures. [CONTAINED] relies on what it means to be a city of 3 million and takes into account waste production at the human scale." 点击图片看大图 分析图3:曼哈顿演变过程/Evolution of Manhattan "曼哈顿的演变: Historically Manhattan was a vibrant island home to thousands of wildlife species and natural freshwater streams supporting its ecological habitat. Since the Dutch arrival in 1776, Manhattan has transformed dramatically. Currently, approximately 20% of Manhattan's surface area is landfill and all of the islands natural streams have been filled. The Commissioner’s Plan of 1811 set forth a movement towards rapid population and infrastructural growth. With space for settling rapidly decreasing and massive amounts of disposable land material available from tunnel excatvation, Manhattan developed a wider shoreline. Land filled shorelines are now vulnerable areas plagued by rising sea levels. With global warming in full effect, Manhattan’s shoreline is categorized in 3 zones of potential flood risk. The 1950s movement towards containerization pushed industries overseas and subsequently kick started a rapid decline in New York Cities’ industrial marketability. As a result, waterfront properties have been reprogrammed to accommodate this process. In the last decade, one third of NYC has been rezoned providing our ever-expanding population with unaffordable high-end luxury condos prone to the repercussions of rising sea levels. Coupled with population increase is the inevitable production of waste. Currently taxpayers spend an estimated $980 million to export their trash every year. 点击图片看大图 分析图4: 纽约的垃圾产量/NYC Garbage Production 项目描述: 灾害是既是环境也是社会的事件。 自然灾害的危害并不取决于灾害的本身,而是人类的脆弱。 仅仅完全的依赖软基础设施的保护只是能减缓海平面的上升,但这不是一个解决方案。 [CONTAINED] repurposes garbage as an abundant renewable resource to stormproof our city. Using an elementary infrastructure, [CONTAINED] encapsulates the entire refuse production for the general population distributing it in a 3-phase process addressing storm-plagued zones. In addition, [CONTAINED] establishes the re-industrialization of NYC while supplying citizens with preventative residential typologies. Climate change is evident and it is our responsibility to understand the implications Hurricane Sandy set forth. Serving as an anticipatory infrastructure for our city, [CONTAINED] will defend." 点击图片看大图 分析图5:曼哈顿中心区/[CONTAINED] - Phase 1 - Downtown Manhattan 点击图片看大图 分析图 6: 节点设计 - Battery Park 点击图片看大图 分析图 7: 横断面/Transverse Section 点击图片看大图 分析图8: 码头透视图 |