毕苏茨基广场在此次竞赛中被设计成一个具有灵活多变表面结构的广场。 随着季节变化,广场调整它的各种形态,以适应气候的变化,通常平整的公共空间在这里被转化成一个具有起伏地貌的多变公共景观空间。在温暖的夏季,富有弹性的起伏广场的表面延伸生成一个可以晒日光浴的空间;在寒冷的冬季可以用来滑雪。广场上灵活的材料可以根据室外温度来调整他的颜色——深浅的蓝色代表较冷的温度,绿色代表比较温暖的环境,更温暖,它会变得更绿——通过夜间发光的材料来调整整个广场的景观效果。
the surface itself contains open pores that enable it to be drained from rain controlled sensors, the water is then filtered and either stored in the pool below, or used as spray for the fountain. this integrated system makes a swimming pool during the summer and an ice rink in the winter. the landscape’s shape can be adjusted through a grid of hydraulic cylinders that are attached to the membrane and controlled electronically. an aim for the project is to help produce energy for surrounding buildings, directly contributing to its environment. 在冬天,广场成为一个山丘,人们在上面滑雪玩耍