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英国伦敦泰晤士河上的“花园桥” by thomas heatherwick

2013-11-8 18:30| 发布者: 0eat0| 查看: 3487| 评论: 1

摘要: 郁郁葱葱的城市绿色走廊Heatherwick Releases Updated Images for London’s ‘Garden Bridge’


今年早些时候,伦敦交通局(TFL)公开招标,旨在改善横跨泰晤士河的通道。建筑师Thomas Heatherwick和活动家Arup推出花园桥的概念,跨经寺庙直到南岸,让人们看到一个郁郁葱葱的绿色空间计划,这一方案赢得了伦敦交通局(TfL)泰晤士河上的人行桥投标。这座桥准备在2016年投入使用,将会是2012年千年大桥以后跨泰晤士河的第一座桥。

on november 1st, the newly appointed garden bridge trust fund initiated public consultation of the venture that will run until december 20th, 2013. heatherwick and lumley are working closely with ARUP and the TrL on the programs of the bridge, and comments and suggestions collected over the course of the next month, including issues related to landscaping, materials and function, will inform their proposition for the project before planning approval in the first quarter of 2014.


Heatherwick说,“这里有丰富的文化遗产如花园,绿地,公园,广场——伦敦是全球最绿的城市之一。” 在这样的情况下,我们很荣幸很兴奋被交通局选中,我们也在寻找这个跨河大桥的设计可行性。 想法很简单,就是用花园去连接伦敦南北岸。这次我们和演员、活动家Joanna Lumley合作共同提出这一概念,他也已经有这样的想法很多年了。 

‘garden bridge’ view at the north landing from arundel street

“直接说一些不存在的东西还是挺奇怪的,但是花园桥已经美丽地展示在平面和想象中。” Lumley说。
“花园会在感官方面下足功夫:这将会是一个没有噪音没有车流只有鸟叫声,蜂鸣声,风吹树叶的沙沙声,稳定的流水冲击声的自然绿色空间。” 这将会是最慢的跨河方式之一,却又安全快捷,让人们在疲惫之余得以休息。人们依靠护栏,在泰晤士河上欣赏周围的城市景观。 草坪,树木,野花,植物,与泰晤士河自然的河岸环境不同。 鲜花在春天绽放,冬季甚至会有圣诞树。我相信他会为伦敦当地人和游客带来魔法般的平静与美丽。 Heatherwick希望能在明年早春提交方案,然而能不能实现却完全依赖于是否能募集到六千万英镑资金。 另外, 由于Heathwick对设计界的贡献,2013年女王生日当天,他被授予荣誉CBE(他被授予大英帝国司令勋章)。更多有关获奖资讯可以在BBC查到。

‘this is the first major milestone for the project and marks a very clear intent to create a new landmark for london. the scheme has been shaped and developed into a proposal that will contribute significantly to the future of london’s development and we are committed to ensuring the garden bridge will be something that London can be proud of. our role is to take this project forward and to raise the necessary funds to build the bridge by the end of 2017.’ – lord mervyn davies, chairman of the garden bridge trust ‘the idea is simple; we’re trying to create a bridge that looks beautiful, is durable, is efficient to construct and will support a garden spanning the river thames. this is not an easy feat and we’re working closely with heatherwick studio to ensure that the design and engineering work seamlessly together to create an ingenious result.‘ – tristram carfrae, project director, ARUP






4242862272013-11-8 23:10
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