ONE Prize 2013 “Stormproof”国际设计竞赛最近公布结果,今年的 "Stormproof" 主题, 参赛者必须设计创造富有弹性的城市,以使城市准备好面对日益恶劣的气候条件。这一竞赛由 Terreform ONE组织,吸引了来自五大洲15个国家的168支参赛队伍,310名团队成员。 一等奖(5000美元): DYNAMIC CAPACITIES by Kenya Endo (日本,东京) 二等奖 ($1000):
点击图片看大图 一等奖得主: DYNAMIC CAPACITIES by Kenya Endo (日本,东京) "Harvesting sediments to create a protective wetland around the coast of the Tone River in Tokyo. The project establishes a variety of interventions according to flooding levels. Apply 'intercept' to areas that could harvest sediments, 'purify' to areas that need cleaner water and 'store', where water can become a part of the urban fabric." 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 二等奖得主: BARRIER STATEN ISLAND by Cricket Day (美国) "Create a 7.5 mile artificial island to avoid surge from coming into Staten Island. The new island will have protective wetlands, salt marshes and facilities for water related activities. A coastal defense made of various trails that end up in knuckle programs resilient to coastal storms." 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 二等奖得主: PERIPHERAL MULTIPLICITY by Katherine Rodgers (美国) "Creating coastal protection that strengthens the identity of Gateway National Park System, using forts along the coastline, creating a rich shoreline that protects inland developments. With many types of edges, going from the urban front to the water, the coastline is reshaped to withstand storms." 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 二等奖得主: KOGAMI by Ben Devereau (苏门答腊,巴东) "Construct a warm water coral reef using old shipping containers, to reduce the wave power and redirect the storm surge. Using a layered strategy, going from water development to artificial mangrove woods, and then to an emergency relief center, the project tackles the before, during and after emergency stages for tsunamis." 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 点击图片看大图 中文为e周网编译,如有纰漏望批评指正,同时欢迎各位向e周投稿,我们非常愿意为您提供一个展示自我的平台 |