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巴黎区法院 by 伦佐·皮亚诺建筑工作室

2013-10-12 13:57| 发布者: 0eat0| 查看: 2559| 评论: 1

摘要: renzo piano unifies judicial system with paris courthouse
设计者:伦佐皮亚诺建筑工作室 renzo piano building workshop
甲方:etablissement public du palais(宫殿) de justice de paris + bouygues batiment 
项目名称: palais de justice 

renzo piano unifies judicial system with paris courthouse
image © LABTOP
all images courtesy of renzo piano building workshop




palais de justice or ‘paris courthouse’ provides space for the various services of france’s judicial system, which have been scattered around the capital, to come together in one complex designed by the genovese architect renzo piano. the public-private project is located at the northern edge of the city in clichy-batignolles. it is physically connected to the heart of town via a successful new tramway that is part of the public transport system. visual links are created by extensive fenestration, and two glass two exterior elevators, which afford panoramic views of the urban fabric beyond the complex. narrow proportions of the tower allow ample daylight to reach the building’s core, maintaining a connection between the interior and exterior environments.



建筑外延的景观extensive landscaping around and on the building complete the project
image © l’autre image




the multistory tower is composed of four superimposed volumes. at the ground level, one enters the building through the glazed pedestal, which manifests the idea of transparency and ease of orientation. from here three atria extend views into the towers above, with sunlight ffrom the roof skylights illuminating circulation galleries at the perimeter of these voids. in between the plinth and the roof, 30 floors house 90 courtrooms, offices, meeting rooms,  of the magistrates, public prosecutor, and presiding judges (respectively as one ascends the tower).



法院内部主要的中庭inside the main atrium
image © joachim lézie-cobert




the floor plan of each of the subsequent group of 10 storeys decreases in size as they ascend. the resulting terraces provide space for occupiable roof gardens which will be landscaped with trees. the outdoor area is intended to create comfortable places of discussion and contemplation. the green roofs have environmental benefits which are complemented by the use of natural ventilation, solar panels, and a rainwater collection system. the cumulative effect of the technologies employed is expected to set a new benchmark for energy consumption in tall buildings upon the law courts building opening in 2017.



looking up to the light filled galleries above
image © joachim lézie-cobert



法庭内部inside the courtroom
image © joachim lézie-cobert



paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom
玻璃屋顶细部detail of green roof
image © joachim lézie-cobert
paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom
模型model in context
image © michel denancé
paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom
总平面site plan 
image © renzo piano building workshop
paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom
image © renzo piano building workshop
paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom
image © renzo piano building workshop
paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom

image © renzo piano building workshop
paris courthouse by renzo piano building workshop - designboom
法院的手绘意向图concept sketch
image © renzo piano building workshop



project info:

client: etablissement public du palais de justice de paris + bouygues batiment

project name: palais de justice

architect: renzo piano building workshop





zyczyc9309042013-11-27 00:57
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