这个创意的卧室是达斯汀·卡彭特为 他13岁的女儿花了超过60小时来完成改造设计的,这里充满了超级马里奥兄弟视频游戏中的人物和物品。 超级马里奥主题卧室里用画和贴纸 提醒她的游戏水平和通关数。 这里的书架、枕头、和 床单等所有东西都和超级马里奥兄弟有关。 codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"> Creative(创造性的) bedroom designed by Dustin Carpenter for his 13-year-old daughter is filled with characters and objects from the Super Mario Bros. video game. Super Mario themed bedroom painted and decorated with stickers that remind her of iconic(图标的) levels and obstacles(障碍) from the game. Bookshelves, pillows, and bed sheets all inspired by Super Mario Bros. Toys look like Mario, Yoshi, Goomba and other Nintendo characters. It took more than 60 hours to complete the renovation(革新). |