摄影师Sandra Bianco 捕捉到这位美丽孕妇桑德拉·比安科的瞬间 。第一张照片 “
before ”是Keila怀孕35周的时候拍摄的和第二张照片“
after ”是两个星期后她的儿子,Jaydon出生之后拍摄。 Photographer Sandra Bianco captured these beautiful maternity photos ofKeila June. The “before” shot was taken when Keila was 35 weeks pregnant and the “after” shot was just two weeks after her son, Jaydon, was born. For the “after” shot, Keila placed Jaydon in a position similar to when he was still inside his mother, making for a stunning before and after series. 生词注释: maternityn.母性,为母之道;妇产科医院 adj.产妇用的;产科的;孕妇的 复数:maternities