图形标识为挪威创意机构Dist。把注意力集中在工具的创意者如草图从图纸的起点,一个好主意,我们结合这个创意的结果与严格和前卫的标志签名和一个网格模板的一个奇怪的崇拜谁遵循一定的规则集组织创造性的结果。 最重要的是我们创建了世界上最大的名片,它的打击下一期的吉尼斯世界纪录。 希望能留下一个巨大的印象,当你有两个人们随身携带卡片到会议室! Graphic identity for the Norwegian creative agency Dist. Focusing on the tools of the creatives such as rough sketches from the drawing board and the starting point of a good idea, we combined this creative outcome with a strict and edgy(急躁的) logo signature and a grid template of a strange cult who follow a certain set of rules to organize the creative outcome. To top it all we created the worlds largest business card, and its hitting the next issue of Guiness world records. Hoping to leave a massive impression when you have two people carrying your card into the meeting room! |